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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crap on the News

News Rant, by: THRILL
Above: President Obama Swats a Fly

San Marcos, CA- Yup... that's where! In the city of San Marcos, California, watching the afternoon news. What a freakin' joke! I about had an an..e..u r ysm..Aneurysm in front of a television set. (Yes, I had to Google that word to find out how to spell it!)
I love this new "Think Blue" that San Diego is starting up. I couldn't figure out which made me puke first: The fact that the "think blue" is just as retarded as "go green" OR the fact that caters to Hindu and Buddhists philosophies. I DARE YOU TO ASK ME HOW!
But here we go: It's all over the news. President Obama swats a fly, kills it, and ofcourse, everyone... Everyone, is all over his nuts. Are you kidding me? I'm sure yall saw the video clips. One "O.C.S." exclaims, "Nice!" after Obama swatted the fly. A couple others in the background make monkey noises.
The hilarious part is that PETA is very upset.
Really? Are we serious here people? What is wrong with adults? What is wrong with people?
I'll tell you what: People buy into stupid CRAP and wet themselves all over it. I love how the Nickelodeon Network brainwashes our children with all that "the earth is melting" bull$#!+. They run ads and commercials about saving energy.....sheesh:
America produces less that 5% of the world's polution! And yet I still have to pay a fortune for a pointless smog? Energy Efficient Light Bulbs are UGLY and contain MERCURY... which I heard my whole life is BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! Make up your gawddamn mind, America!

Is that my wife, or Kate Gosselin?
OH... and don't hit the "X" on your Window yet! I officially HATE how the media is "concentrated liberal". I've never seen the show John and Kate ~plus 8, or whatever it's called... but I have seen and heard NOTHING that is wrong on how Kate disciplines her children.
The media constantly shows Kate "threatening" her kids with ~future spanks, also footage of Kate spanking her kids, as seen in the picture above. Once again, WHAT IS SHE DOING WRONG? [QUOTE] America's Favorite Parenting Expert [UNQUOTE] Ann Pleshette Murphy constantly talks about how "this behavior" of Kate's is "so wrong" and... {THRILL pukes}
I can't stand people like that. So guess what, Murphy: I support the parenting of Kate Gosselin.
I love how, once again, "ADULTS" have turned into a bunch of pussies. My father owned a sign shop and had plenty of wood all over the place. If I talked back, or didn't move when he told me to, I got spanked. YUP, he used a board from the shop. My father was a great sign maker. He didn't use plywood. He invested in Duraply boards, which lasted longer in stregnth over time, as well as durability, compared to how plywood warps.
Yup, my @$$ cheeks got hit a lot with the best merchandise from McCoy's (a lumber/home store long before Home Depot came around). I'm glad my dad spanked me. I may be a monster to many of yall, and I know for a fact that many of yall DON'T like me. But fear needs to be installed in the parent/child relationship. Not a psycho-oh-my-God-my-dad-is-beating-my-mother-and-i-every-night kind of fear. I'm talking about a God-like fear, that can be enforced righteously. I challenge you (especially if you have an 7 year old who doesn't listen) to research further what I am talking about. How can fear be synonymous with respect? Find the answer, and you will be an awesome parent.
And for the record, those of you who rolled your eyes at this blog, or have some witty comment about how I don't know what it's like to have kids... guess what! I'm going to marry a woman who I will buy a $500 gift card to Macy's. Why? So she can buy a HUGE selection of belts to spank our children with when they are disrespectful at the dinner table.
Speaking of children who have never been spanked:
Kimberley Vlaminck, 18 years old
Now here is a real winner. A Belgian teenager is suing a French tattoo artist for tattooing 56 stars on her face. She claims she told him "THREE" only. But when she woke up (yeah, supposidly she fell asleep during the tattooing), he had tattooed 56 stars instead.
She says he didn't listen. The tattoo artist says that the teenager's dad showed up and freaked! He got so mad, she made up this whole story to not look bad infront of her dad.
HA! B. S. -I don't think so. Who falls asleep while having a needle rapidly stab your flesh NEAR your eye socket? Plus, I'm sure he draws on the face first, then goes back with the needle. Are you telling me she slept through all that? Horse crap.
OFCOURSE she doesn't want to take the blame! The tattoo artist is right. Fell asleep my @$$.
Now I know why tigers eat their young.
Tattoo artist Kat Von D has a makeup line, and I was told that Kat Von D makes a certain kind of makeup that is designed to hide tattoos. Just throwing that out there incase you also make a stupid decision.
I was also going to talk about a woman who worked on Wall Street, got layed off when the economy went south, then became a Playboy model. But I'm out of alcohol, so goodnight, America.

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