Iron Man 3

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May God bless the United States of America and the Nation of Israel!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Safety First, Doing the Right Thing Can Wait!

Welcome back to my blog, America. It's been a while since my last post but can you believe the latest news? Officials everywhere are questioning who is in charge of these barges that are cleaning up the current oil spill. Who gives a flying duck!

We should be thankful that one barge alone can suck up 96000 gallons of oil a day. That's ninety-six thousand gallons! Well, there is a fleet of them in the gulf that were ordered by the Coast Guard to be shut down because.... BECAUSE....


Money hungry, good for nothing, organizations like OSHA, and not to mension the VIPs and HICs of the Obama Administration had the Coast Guard shut down these boats. Why? Because the ships' captains weren't up on their safety codes?

OSHA is one of the major reasons why I've lost faith in organized, business owned construction work.

I've never heard of OSHA actually trying to do something worth while. They'll come after your business and your hard earned money simply because you're standing on a ladder with one foot. They care more about making money than helping their fellow American get the job done. OSHA and ball-less ICs like OSHA don't care about the bigger picture. They don't care about cleaning up the ocean. All they care about is shutting down a working machine that is cleaning up our spilled oil and searching for the owner of the barges- only to yell at him for not having enough fire extinguishers.

Give me a break. I can't believe that as a child, THESE are the RETARDS I have to look up to as LEADERS of MY Country. Give me a ducking break.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Microsoft XBOX New Video Game Technology

The controller-free Kinect device, a surprise new Xbox 360 console that lets you get in the game by moving your body, and a deal with ESPN were among the announcements Microsoft’s Xbox team made Monday to kick off its presence at this week’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles.

With this interesting new technology in video gaming, could this take the next step past the Wii controllers? Will the controls be more accurate towards the players' movement? or will we still have a hard time trying to swing our tennis racket when we want to?