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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Breast Implants Could Be New Terrorist Bomb

Terrorists have been known to be cunning and relentless in their mission to spread terror around the world. They plan massive attacks, usually on civilian targets and will put bombs anywhere that they suspect will receive the most notice.

Terrorists have even been known to strap bombs to themselves and thus, become heroes to their cause as suicide bombers. It has now been rumored that terrorists are contemplating breast implant bombs.

WHDH News 7 in Boston, Massachusetts US, reported that British spy satellites have intercepted communications from Pakistan and Yemen concerning this. Terrorists in the communication were talking about making explosives that could be placed in a breast implant and then inserted into female terrorists. Sources say that British intelligence has reported, that the surgeries will be performed by plastic surgeons
that had come to London’s hospitals to be trained. Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Franklin Rose, told KPRC Local 2, that the technology for such a thing is available and would not be very difficult. However he is appalled by the idea saying, “To have a plastic surgeon put a liquid explosive in an implant and teaching somebody how to detonate it , it’s unfathomable.”

Ron Clark, a former Houston FBI Director, believes that homeland security is taking this threat seriously and will be able to handle it. He said, “I’m sure we are gathering all the information, intelligence that the government can. They are also securing all the ports, airports and main attractions as much as possible. The government takes these types of threats seriously and not relaxed. He is confident in the governments ability to prevent these threats from being implemented successfully.

This threat comes right on the heals of the botched bombing on Christmas day. Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate a bomb on the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bound for Detroit, with 300 people aboard. He sewed the bomb to the inside of his underwear and attempted to detonate it as the jet-liner prepared to land. The bomb failed to detonate and thus the flight was saved, however it raised awareness that such an attack could, in theory, work.

Breast implant bombs is a frightening idea that is very plausible. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has implemented the use of full body scans and believes that these will be successful in preventing these attacks. The full-body scan is equipped to detect explosive materials and residue and so, should be able to detect these bombs. However, it is not really known whether the scanners will be competent in finding explosives inside of breast implants.