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Friday, November 20, 2009

Thrill Goes Another Year Unable to Race in the AWANA Grand Prix!

Vista, CA- Every year at Tri-City Church, is the annual AWANA Grand Prix. Students and staff of the global AWANA program have a chance to build a race car out of a block of wood and have a chance to compete on an elevated, declining ramp.

Sadly, for AWANA leader, Tony "THRILL" Williams, this will be another year his vehicle will not be ready. The last time he raced a vehicle was in 2007, where he didn't even place with his yellow Chevy Corvette replica. Finally, weeks before the 2008 race, Thrill announced he'd build the police car from the motion picture, Transformers. However, the time line for completion was to small.

Some people demanded he should shoot to building a different vehicle from Transformers. A couple of individuals thought it was "bad taboo" to build a "decepticon" vehicle for a Christian event. Thrill argued that the Barricade police vehicle from the movie was the best because "the other cars are either not a challenge, or too large to build for the AWANA track." Thrill continued, "With the Barricade police car, there are fine details to put on the body of the car, verses a plain yellow shaft like the Camaro."

Anyway, here we are, the day of the 2009 AWANA Grand Prix, and still, Thrill has no vehicle to enter to race. The Transformers police car is still being built and hasn't been completed!

"I'm almost there too!", Thrill commented to a friend, "All I need are to put on the wheels and add a few details to the exterior. It will be ready for next years for sure. I'm even going to have other vehicles to enter the race with as well. When I'm finished with the Barricade police car, it's going to be sweet."

Thrill has also considered building AWANA race vehicles that replicate such icons as the Back to the Future DeLorean, the Ghostbusters Ecto-1, the Halo Warthog, and even a military Hummer.

"I have a lot in mind," Thrill says, "I just hope I have the time and materials to build my dreams."
Thrill says, "I highly encourage all AWANA participants to enjoy building and racing your model cars. It's not only fun, but it's a great experience to see how creative one can get in building a model vehicle."
Thrill continued to state that there are even other huge projects on his drawing boards. When we asked him if he'd share with us some of the juicy details to what he's planning, he said,
"You'll just have to come to the races and see what I bring out."
You got it, Thrill; guess will be stay on our toes until the 2010 AWANA Grand Prix.


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