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May God bless the United States of America and the Nation of Israel!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Review Ordered of Video Showing Students Singing Praises of Pres. Obama

Nearly 20 young children are captured in an online video as they sing songs that overflow with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," as they repeatedly chant the president's name and celebrate his accomplishments.
by: FOXNews

The commissioner of New Jersey's Department of Education ordered a review on Friday following the posting of a YouTube video depicting school children singing the praises of President Obama.

In a statement to, Education Department spokeswoman Beth Auerswald said Commissioner Lucille Davy has directed the school's superintendent to review the matter. Auerswald said Davy wants to ensure that students can celebrate Black History Month without "inappropriate partisan politics in the classroom."

"In addition, it is our understanding the teacher in question retired at the end of the last school year," the statement continued.

Auerswald declined to indicate exactly what the review would entail or possible ramifications.

As critics of the video claimed it amounted to "indoctrination," the tension at B. Bernice Young Elementary School escalated to such a degree Thursday that the school was placed temporarily on lockdown after its principal received death threats over a YouTube video that showed nearly 20 children being taught songs lauding the president, though back-to-school night events continuing as planned Thursday night at the school.

Video of the students at the Burlington, N.J., school shows them singing songs seemingly overflowing with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," repeatedly chanting the president's name and celebrating his accomplishments, including his "great plans" to "make this country's economy No. 1 again."

One song that the children were taught quotes directly from the spiritual "Jesus Loves the Little Children," though Jesus' name is replaced with Obama's: "He said red, yellow, black or white/All are equal in his sight. Barack Hussein Obama."

The video has set off some families in Burlington, who said they were horrified that their children at the being "indoctrinated" to view the president like a cult figure.

"I'm stunned -- I can't believe it's our school," said Jim Pronchik, who told his 8-year-old son Jimmy was one of the 18 students in the video. "We don't want to praise this guy like he's a god or an idol or a king or anything like that. That's the wrong message to be sending."
Pronchik said he and his wife were never informed about the lesson, which the superintendent of Burlington Township schools says was held in February as part of Black History Month "to honor the contributions of African Americans to our country."

But Andrea Ciemnolonski, the parent of another one of the students in the video, said the song was part of a second-grade project on a variety of topics related to the month of February, such as Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day and Presidents Day.

"They did songs about President Washington, Lincoln, and they did do one about President Obama," Ciemnolonski said. "My daughter was in the class that did the songs about Obama. It was black history month. ... It was something for the kids to celebrate."

Ciemnolonski said she "just can't look at it as indoctrination," though she added, "The comparisons made were a little exuberant."

Superintendent Christopher Manno said in a written statement Thursday that the taping itself was out of order, but failed to address whether the lesson was approved. "The recording and distribution of the class activity were unauthorized," he wrote in a note to parents and the media.

Other families arriving at Bernice Young Elementary to pick up their children said they were outraged at the songs, which also tout a fair-pay bill Obama signed in January: "He said we must be clear today/Equal work means equal pay."

"I felt this was reminiscent of 1930s Germany, and the indoctrination of children to worship their leader," said Robert Bowen, father of two children at Bernice Young Elementary.

"I thought that if this was a civics class in say high school or upper level middle school, in might be appropriate to discuss policies or politics, but as far as children in first grade, second grade -- those types of levels -- it's inappropriate to discuss how a president is changing the world after only six weeks in office."

Parents said the songs were performed in Elvira James' second grade class. James, who refused to comment to, retired at the end of the previous school year on a full pension in New Jersey.

Bowen said he thought there should be consequences for having provided such a one-sided lesson to impressionable students there.

"It's something that there should be serious repercussions for ... the administration here, and I think the school board needs to be answerable to the parents of the community," said Bowen. School board members did not respond to requests for comment.

Though the school was not planning to address the tape during back-to-school-night events, many parents were heading in with with a lot of questions about the tape.

"This video is disturbing," said a grandparent named Sandy, who spoke on the condition that her last name not be included. "We don't teach politics in pre-school -- or kindergarten or first grade."

"This has no place in the classroom," said Sandy, added Sandy, who told she has two grandchildren attending Bernice Young Elementary. "It may have been the opinion of one or two, and someone should pay the consequences for it."

The author of the songs is unknown, but a woman -- possibly a teacher -- can be heard in the beginning of the video correcting and helping a student who has forgotten the words. Another woman, the person holding the camera, cheers the students on: "All right," she says. "I like that."

"Alteredbeat," the YouTube user who posted the video on the Internet, told that the video was first put online by Charisse Carney-Nunes, an activist and author of the children's book "I Am Barack Obama," which her Web site says "allows children to see themselves through the inspirational story of President Obama." Carney-Nunes has been promoting the book during visits to schools on the east coast.

A poster for the book can been seen near the stage of the auditorium in the video of Bernice Young Elementary, but it is unclear whether Carney-Nunes had visited the school or was present during the filming.

"Alteredbeat" told that he reached out to Carney-Nunes, who insisted that the program had been filmed in June as part of a Father's Day tribute to President Obama. "The kids made up the songs on their own," she wrote, according to the YouTube user.

"Alteredbeat" originally posted the video Sept. 6, two days before Obama made an address to the nation's schoolchildren in which he praised the American education system as the best in the world and urged students to stay in school.

"At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world," Obama said
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"
Hooray, Mr. President!
You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Love and Respect Marriage Conference

Does your marriage suck?
or do you have a "perfect" marriage? (yeah, right!)
Are you planning on getting married? (oh hell)
Do you seek knowledge to help yourself or others? (ofcourse not, you know everything!)

Then I highly recommend this Live Marriage Conference!

The Rock Church: Love and Respect Conference
2277 Rosecrans St.
San Diego, CA 92106

Friday, September 25th @ 7PM to 9PM
Saturday, September 26th @ 8AM to 4PM

Registration begins/doors open at 6PM on Friday 9/25
Cost: $45

"Most assuredly I say to you that Dr. Emerson Eggerichs truly understands relationships and the beautiful responsiblity of marriage. He is the author of 'Love & Respect: The Love She Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs' and 'Cracking the Communication Code: Love for Her, Respect for Him' which I have both read many times and fully promote to anyone seeking knowledge about the insane serenity we embrace as 'marriage'." -THRILL

"Some people would spend thousands of dollars and several years to study professions and seek out job careers. We devout our lives to studying what we try to achieve and accomplish. Why should 'Marriage' be treated any differently?" -THRILL

Saturday, September 19, 2009



Wow. I got asked by four people to post a blog about RACISM... what a subject.

First of all, I'm calling out former President Jimmy Carter as a complete bag of douche. I don't care that I'm suppose to be "passive" to my elders because it's the "Christian" thing to do. This old fart is WAY out of line.

Former President Carter has the audacity to say that the reason President Obama faces criticism on his plan to overhaul healthcare is rooted from racism. What an absolute idiot!

HOW DARE Carter OPEN HIS MOUTH AND MAKE SUCH A RETARDED STATEMENT. All this does is instigate a racism. How I know I'm right:

On Tuesday, Carter made the statement that Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst to President Obama during a speech to Congress last week was an act "based on racism". Carter said, "I think it's based on racism."~OH SHUT UP YOU OLD BASTARD!

How can you say that! Obviously, like many old rich farts, who live comfortably in their HOAs and Cadillacs, have no clue what is going on in America. PRESIDENT OBAMA HIMSELF AGREED THAT JOE WILSON'S OUTBURST WAS NOT BASED ON RACISM! How ignorant can you be?

TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THE MOUSE, you're not going anywhere.
I don't like President Obama not because he's "HALF-BLACK!" I don't like him because of his socialistic, retarded way to run this nation!
Liberals try to paint a picture that if you do not agree with President Obama, you are a racist. Anyone who believes that is a dumbass.

I've been told by people that I'm racist. How can I be a racist when I hate everyone. I think all humans are pathetic, and to explain why would take another whole blog to itself.
One reason is how we consider the color of our skins "white", "black", "brown", "red", "yellow", or my personal favorite, "orange".

HONESTLY: In my lifetime, I've seen more racism come from "non-whites" than I have from "white" people. Yeah, I've studied history and I know what "the white man" did to "black people" back in the day.
But that was "back in the day". I had a non-white argue with me that "blacks" are still being hated on today. Well, I got news for everyone reading this: "blacks" aren't the only group being hated on.
So why should only one group feel that they are racially discriminated more than another?
Many "non-whites' walk around with an attitude towards other races, especially "whites" because they feel "supressed" by the "whites". They act as if they deserve reparations. I think that's retarded.

Despite all that bull$#!+ ,
I constantly hear about how "non-whites" are hating on "whites". I am convinced by society that when it comes to skin color, "whites" are discriminated the most. When I was in high school, I was amazed how there were so many college programs and grants for "non-white" races but nothing for a "white" kid.
Plus, why is it that "non-whites" can make fun of "whites" all they want, but when a "white" makes a joke, he's considered a racist? Ever watch stand up comedy?

What gives a "non-white" the right to say, "NIGGER" but a "white" can't? True hypocracy!

Would "whites" be considered racists if they walked in a room and said, "What's up, my honkie!"

I believe that we all should drink from the same water fountain and sit where ever the hell we want to on a bus. But why do we allow there to be a "BLACK"Entertainment Television Network?

If "whites" had a "White Entertainment Channel" I'm sure they'd be called a racist! True hypocracy!

I had a "non-white" argue this with me once. He said that all channels are "white entertainment". I think that's a load of crap. I see plenty of "non-whites" on television networks other than BET. You can kiss my ass with that defense.

I had a Marine explain to me once (all Marines are "green" but if you care, you racist, he was a "non-white") that there is a difference between a "nigger" and a "black guy". He explained that a "nigger" was a "black man" that was either dumb, rude, bad, or a racist even; but a "black man" was just a man like everyone else.

Bill Handel on KFI AM640 Talk Radio LA explained how when "whites" are in a situation with the possibility of racism, they will NOT see racism, but when "blacks" are in a situation where there is no racism involved at all, they make a huge uproar claming that it was racially motivated.

A "non-white" can make a joke, or statement that makes fun of the "white" and it's humor. But if a "white" makes a joke against a "non-white", it's racism. If you were to take this concept and symbolize it to a bus, it obviously puts the "whites" towards the back of the bus.

It is agreed, even by President Obama, that Kanye West is a jackass. It is arguable whether or not Kanye West is a racist for what he did to Taylor Swift. Some say it would be unfair to think that Kanye West IS a racist, but let me ask you this:

What if Beyonce was accepting the award. And what if, say, Toby Keith got up there and took the mic away from Beyonce, just to glorify Taylor Swift? I guarantee you that "non-whites" would call him a racist. How unfair is that.

I also believe that a lot of people are afraid of hurting a "non-whites" feelings. :(
I am convinced that society caters to "non-whites" even in hate crimes. I wish I had a dollar for every hate crime that was considered NOT to be a hate crime simply because the victims are white, and the criminals are "non-white".

The most famous:

The Belleville West High School bus incident. Clearly, a "white" is a victim. The attackers are "non-whites". So what.
The point is that the Belleville police captain said that based on the video, it was clearly racially motivated. But after this story broke, he changed his statement saying that it was NOT racially motivated.
EVEN IF IT WASN'T RACIALLY MOTIVATED, I Guarantee that if it were two "whites" beating up a "non-white", they'd say it was racially motivated and not give it a second thought.

The Belleville Police Captain obviously is afraid of calling it like it is... because... well, look at his skin color.

Speaking of chicken-$#!+ police reports, the Pietrzak incident was clearly a racial hate crime, but the Riverside Sheriffs Department said that race was not involved.

Oh, you don't remember this story? About a year ago... four "non-white" Marines broke into the French Valley home of Sgt. Jan Pietrzak, 24, and his wife, Quiana Pietrzak. They met Jan Pietrzak at his front door with a knife, and at first, Pietrzak thought it was a joke.

But it was too late by then. The four stormed into the house and beat up both Jan and Quiana Pietrzak. They tied up Jan Pietrzak with duck tape and made him watch his wife get raped. The four ran a train on her. Meaning, they took turns raping her, then violated her with an object.

Finally, they killed the couple, execution style, in their own living room. The four then tried to burn the house down, but it didn't happen.

Racist words were painted all over the crime scene but the investigators concluded that robbery was the motive, not racism.

According to my great source on Camp Pendleton, the four were known to have had a huge hate for Jan Pietrzak because he had a "non-white" wife.

Let me ask you this: If it were four "whites", would they consider racism being involved?

Ah. DISTRICT 9! SO Awesome. I saw it and thought it was great. However, Nigeria doesn't think so. Infact, Nigeria's information minister says one of the summer's biggest blockbusters is not welcome in Nigeria because it portrays Nigerians as gangsters and cannibals.

Information Minister Dora Akunyili says she's asked movie houses to stop screening "District 9" because the South Africa-based sci-fi movie about aliens and discrimination makes Nigerians look bad.

Oh my God. No it didn't.

Akunyili says she has asked Sony for an apology and wants them to edit out the Nigerian antagonists and the name of the main Nigerian gangster Obesandjo, whose name closely resembles that of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Seriously? Is this STUPID or what! That's like me asking President Obama to be banned because his name resembles "Osama".

Anywho, the film brought in $37 million the first opening weekend in August.

And here's one that Mario will enjoy:
While I was taking classes at a University in CA, I was confronted by a bunch of need-to-get-layed, liberal, Lifetime watching, women on how Walt Disney was a racist because he made the crows in Dumbo talk like African-American men from the early 20th Century.

Give me a break! Who cares! It was AWESOME! If I was an African-American in a quartet, I'd be stoked. I'd find the crows to be quite "bitchin'", as Harrison Ford in American Graffiti would say it.

Then another woman in class, one being of hispanic decent, said she was offended by the chihuahua in Lady and the Tramp because it had a Mexican accent.
Please! If a chihuahua could even talk, what kind of accent do you think it would have?
Where do you think CHIHUAHUAS originated from? How about the Mexican State of Chihuahua! DER!

I actually walked out that day. $1500 a class, just to learn why Walt Disney is a racist... please.

Look at this picture. What do you see?

Did you know that when the statue that was inspired by this picture was in talks of being built, there was an uproar from "non-whites" complaining that the statue, and similar painted reprints, would be politically incorrect to have all three firefighters as all "white"?

Anyone who looks at this picture and sees three "white" firefighters, I believe is a racist. I see, THREE FIREFIGHTERS. Kiss my ass. That's what I see. I don't care what color thier skin is.

Whenever people run adds trying to be "politically correct" , I feel that they are giving birth to racism.

I ask YOU: Don't put up with racism, and if you see it, call it out! Don't allow the bull$#!+ to continue.

Am I a Racist?
I think not. Like I said earlier, I hate everyone equally. We all fall short of perfection, so why give praise to one race over another?

I'm a mut, so it would be ridiculous for me to bash any race- I'd just be bashing myself. There are several friends of mine who are "non-whites" and I NEVER remember them as "not being white".

However, I do have friends that are racists. Both "white" and "non-white".
I had an exgirlfriend in high school that got pissed at me for dating a "non-white" my senior year. I have a friend who wants to carpet bomb "non-white" countries, including Mexico.
I've had family members ask me to never marry an African American woman.
I've known Christians who don't like Miles McPherson because of his skin color,

when I think he's one of the most gifted Christian influences in America.

I don't believe a person should be judged on the color of their skin, but on the content of thier character.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson was RIGHT: Obama IS a liar!

Republican Joe Wilson is sorry for his outburst at Obama but is done apologizing. You may remember when Obama asserted in last Wednesday's prime-time speech that his health care reform plan excludes illegal aliens from benefits.

Wilson stood firm and shouted, "You lie!"

Republican elders pressured Wilson into issuing a written mea culpa shortly after the speech, and he followed up with a phone call to the White House. That should be enough for anyone, the five-term congressman argued Sunday.

"I am not going to apologize again." he said, "I have apologized to the President. I think that is sufficient."

I personally feel that many GOP leaders and especially Republicans are on the band wagon of being cowards; and are afraid to stand up to unscrew corruption. Like many real patriots to America, Joe Wilson was pushed to the edge with Obama's lies and abuse on America. I feel he was justified to stand firm and shout "You lie!" to the President. He was a lot more professional than I would have been.

Wilson was right! The President was being dishonest when he said the House health care bill does not provide benefits to illegal immigrants. It does!!!

1. For starters, according to the Congressional Research Service, HR 3200 "does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens participating." The system would essentially operate on an honor system by illegal immigrants.

2. Second, HR 3200 provides State Medicaid agencies with the ability to set eligibility standards for the low income subsidies. Since States are given a 100% federal match, there is nothing to discourage them from setting loose standards that allow illegal immigrants to be enrolled in the program.

3. With the help of the National Council of La Raza, the most anti-American organization I've ever investigated, (which most of you know how I'm so driven against La Raza) House Democrats defeated two amendments offered to HR 3200 that would have added explicit taxpayer protections to stop benefits from going to illegal immigrants.

4. Senate Democrats promised Friday to include NEW citizenship verification requirements in their health care bill, proving that Joe Wilson was right about giant loophole in the House bill.

President Obama, "YOU LIE!"

Paris Hilton Added to the Oxford Book of Quotations

Paris Hilton was immortalized this week when the new edition of the "Oxford Book of Quotations" hit shelves, and her contribution wasn't simply "That's hot."

The book includes her quote:
"Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in."

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001-NEVER FORGET!

Perhaps you needed to be in either D.C. or New York City eight years ago today to understand what truly happened...

Perhaps you need to pay attention to the attacks that our national security has thwarted since Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

In many ways we have allowed the War on Terror to become a catch phrase that is thrown around by politicians who treat We The People like simple-minded sheep...

In many ways, we have forgotten the risks...

In many ways, we have forgotten the severity...

We should not let this happen...

And we should never, ever forget the catastrophic, painful events of 9/11/01.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Delivers Stay-in-School Speech Amid Controversy

As controversy swirled around his speech to the nation's schoolchildren, President Obama told students Tuesday to take responsibility for their education, go to class and listen and not let failures define them.
"At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world," Obama said. "And none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities."
Obama delivered his speech at a school in Virginia where he was greeted by a raucous crowd of students. He encouraged them to maintain their focus and use school as a way to succeed despite their background.
But elsewhere, schools were struggling with how to handle what had become a politically sensitive event. The speech had stirred controversy, with some parents, school officials and conservative groups expressing concerns that the president was injecting politics into local education.
In Florida's Indian River County, the superintendent met with local officials up to the 11th hour to determine how to treat the broadcast. According to the Press Journal, school officials last week decided that the speech had to be taped and reviewed before showing students, meaning it would not be shown live.
Elsewhere, officials were going ahead with plans to screen the speech, even though prepared remarks were released by the Obama administration Monday. Some Wisconsin schools, for instance, did not watch Obama live. The Elmbrook district's Superintendent Matt Gibson told FOX News that teachers would have a chance to review the message first so they can determine how best to include it in the curriculum.
In Virginia, Obama urged students to work hard.
"At the end of the day, the circumstances of your life -- what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you've got going on at home -- that's no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude," he said. "That's no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That's no excuse for not trying."
"Where you are right now doesn't have to determine where you'll end up," he continued. "No one's written your destiny for you. Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future."
The speech steered clear of any partisan attacks or a push for liberal politics as conservatives had feared. Yet the speech drew fire from conservative critics even before he delivered it.
The White House posted Obama's remarks on its Web site at midday Monday to quell criticism that the speech was intended to indoctrinate students into a socialist agenda.
Yet some critics still called for parents to have their children boycott the speech amid accusations that Obama is using schools to push a liberal agenda. White House officials, including Education Secretary Arne Duncan, have said the allegations are silly.
But the president's speech got a boost from some Republicans.
GOP Senate candidate Pat Toomey, who is seeking to unseat Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., called Obama's talk "an inspiring and moving speech for students across America."
"Education is the cornerstone of our country's future," Toomey said in a written statement, "and it is important that we relay that message to our young students. The President's emphasis on responsibility and the personal stories about his own education are exactly the kind of inspiring messages our children need to hear from our country's leaders."
Former first lady Laura Bush, wife of Obama's Republican predecessor, said on Monday she supported Obama's decision to address America's school children.
"There's a place for the president of the United States to talk to school children and encourage school children" to stay in school, Mrs. Bush, a former school teacher, said in a CNN interview.
However, she said believes that parents who were plan to keep their children home because of the president's address had the right to do so.
Florida Republican party chairman Jim Greer, who said last week he was "absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology," said Monday he now favored the speech after changes he said the White House, under political pressure, had made to supporting materials for teachers and to the speech itself.
Obama made no reference in his remarks to the uproar surrounding his speech. Nor did he make an appeal for support for tough causes such as his health care overhaul. He used the talk to tell kids about his at-times clumsy ways as a child and to urge them to set goals and work hard to achieve them.
"At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents and the best schools in the world," Obama said. "And none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities."
Schools don't have to show the speech. And some districts have decided not to, partly in response to concerns from parents.
Duncan's department has also taken heat for proposed lesson plans distributed to accompany the speech.
The education secretary has acknowledged that a section about writing to the president on how students could help him meet education goals was poorly worded and has been changed.
In his remarks, Obama also leaves the students with some words of encouragement.
"I expect great things from each of you," he said. "So don't let us down -- don't let your family or your country or yourself down. Make us all proud. I know you can do it."
The Associated Press, FOXNews, and, contributed to this report.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Bible and American Education

THE BOOK OF PROVERBS tells us that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (1:7). The American Founders certainly understood this truth, and from the beginning stressed the relationship between a sound education based upon biblical absolutes and the future of the nation.

In 1776, the future President John Adams said, "Statesmen... may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand." That mind-set was widely held among the Founders who helped shape the political, educational, and legal foundations of the new nation. Men such as Daniel Webster, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Adams, and George Washington echoed these same sentiments, believing that the strength of the republic was dependent upon the morality of her people, and that religion must undergird it. They saw the education of young minds being at the heart of it.

NOT SURPRISINGLY, most of America's oldest universities were started by preachers and churches. Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, King's College, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth were all founded by Christian preachers and church affiliations.

Harvard University, for example, which was founded in 1636 by the Puritans, adopted the "Rules and Precepts" of the university that stated: "Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore lay Christ at the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning." Even Harvard's original seal, which can be seen etched in the walls of the campus today, states upon it these words: "Truth for Christ and the Church."

Yale College was established in 1701 with a stated goal that "every student shall consider the main end of his study to wit to know God in Jesus Christ and answerably to lead a godly, sober life." The College of William and Mary was founded in 1693 to supply the church of Virginia "with a seminary of ministers" that the "Christian faith may be propagated." And King's College, known today as Columbia University, purposed to "inculcate upon [students'] tender minds the great principles of Christianity and morality." Princeton had as one of its founding statements: "Cursed is all learning that is contrary to the Cross of Christ."

IN COLONIAL AMERICA, in addition to the Bible and the Bay Psalm Book, the first textbook for schoolchildren, The New England Primer, taught the ABC's by children memorizing basic biblical truths and lessons about life: A-In Adam's fall, we sinned all. B-Heaven to find, the Bible Mind. C-Christ crucify'd for sinners died, and so on. Included in the Primer, were the names of the Old and New Testament books, the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Westminster Assembly Shorter Catechism, and John Cotton's "Spiritual Milk for American Babies." The Primer was the second best-selling book in the American colonies (the Bible was number one).

IN 1836, NOAH WEBSTER, often called "The Father of American Education," expressed the purpose of schools was meant for the advancement of the Christian faith: "In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed... No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."
Unfortunately, in time, a philosophical shift took place in America, and the biblical principles for education were slowly eroded and abandoned, with sad and tragic consequences that continue to unfold. John Dewey, known as "The Architect of Modern Education," said, "There is no God, and there is no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion." Those props have been knocked away, and the loss of moral standards has opened the door to untold numbers of unwanted teen pregnancies, abortions, drub abuse, alcoholism, violence, and suicide.
If we believe that the Founders were correct in asserting that America would fail if it lost its religious foundation, it is primarily incumbent upon Christian believers to reaffirm and reclaim our Chrisian educational heritage with the same passion and commitment of the Founders. There are many ways and many levels at which to instigate change, but it begins with a willingness to become engaged in the battle.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

REAL College Courses for FALL 2009!

Words of THRILL in RED:

Want to try out this new course at Oberlin College? For a hefty $4,950 you'll get to examine why "only citizens ... 'get' to claim queerness, whereas undocumented immigrants are always presumed to be heteronormative."


In other words, you'll study why people "always" assume that illegal immigrants are straight.

Like I said before.... "what?"

Oberlin administrators said that the class might have a provocative title, but that it was nothing out of the ordinary.

"I'm not sure whether, beyond the provocative title, whether this course is truly 'out there,'" said Sean Decatur, dean of Arts and Sciences at Oberlin. "From my understanding, this is a class that is teaching students to critically engage in topics of identity around sexuality, nationality, disability ... [issues] that are not only part of the larger public discourse, but that people are engaged in on many college campuses and within the broader society as well."

It blows my mind how so many high school graduates, and supporting parents, blow money towards nonsense courses like this.

Philosophy of Star Trek
At Georgetown University, you can learn philosophy through the lens of Star Trek for $4,827.

"Star Trek is very philosophical," the course description reads. "What better way, then, to learn philosophy, than to watch Star Trek, read philosophy, and hash it all out in class? That's the plan."

No no no no no NO! You learn philosophy by reading about Cicero, Socrates, Plato, Neitche, Ken Pichette, etc... not by sitting in a room with a bunch of nerds discussing their favorite Star Trek episode. I mean, seriously?.... Seriously? ... $4,827?

Radical Thought from Karl Marx to George Bush
For $40,000 a year, you can go to Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York and take a class on radicals ranging from Karl Marx to George Bush.

"This course examines left and right radical thought of the past 150 years," which means students will be reading both Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin and conservative writer William Kristol.

How can you deny my argument that college is 99% liberal/anti-American conservative. Sure, former President George Bush was a crappy president, but he wasn't our worst; and he sure as hell wasn't in the same ball park as Karl Marx. This can't be a real class. Come on, FoxNews! You're just pulling my leg now!

No -- it's not a pornography site, but rather an independent study course at Carleton College that stands for "Female Sexuality." The Carleton Gender and Sexuality department bills it on their Web site as "The class ... you've been waiting to take!"

Assigned homework readings range from "I'm not fat, I'm Latina" and "Myth of the black butt" to "How to have energy orgasms" and plenty of other titles that we can't print here.

With homework titles like that, you expect me to believe that there is "equality"? Being Latina doesn't make you fat. Eating tons of carbs without running makes you fat. Get off the couch!

Eric Sieger, Director of Media & Public Relations at Carleton, said the class, which requires an instructor's approval, is relatively new -- and with an annual tuition of $40,000, FemSex costs about $4,500 to take.

"The course is basically a study in the history and culture of the female sexuality perspective," Sieger said.

In other words, everyone who pays for this class likes to watch Lifetime.

"Lifetime! Because men are bad and will hurt you!"

Harry Potter Lit
Can't get enough of the popular series? In this $814 class at Ohio State University you'll "examine the literary techniques and cultural roots of the novels, exploring such themes as the quest, coming of age, and the nature of heroism."

Students, who are expected to "read all seven books," will also consider the books as "reflections of contemporary attitudes towards religion, rule-breaking, power, race, class, gender, education, sports, celebrity, and so on."


Video Game Studies
If you need a break from math at MIT, "Introduction to Videogame Studies" might appeal to you.

"Students play and analyze videogames while reading current research and theory," reads the course description, which says students are expected to beat the games too, "in consultation with the instructor."

Annual tuition at MIT is almost $40,000, which works out to around $4,500 per class.

$4,500 to sit on your butt playing Call of Duty and eating Funyuns...

Tree Climbing
At Cornell University, you can fulfill your physical education requirement by taking tree climbing for $700.

"Students are excited," said Professor Mark Holton, who teaches the class. "We have never offered a tree climbing class that has not filled to capacity. We learn how to climb into large trees -- ones where you cannot reach the first branch. We also teach how to move around, go from tree to tree, and come back down safely using ropes and harnesses and various kinds of tree climbing tools.

Holton said Cornell requires physical education, and many students prefer his tree-climbing course to alternatives including bowling or skeet shooting.

"The highlight of our local class is an overnight in the trees," he said. "We also go to Costa Rica for climbing in the jungle."

This is SOLID proof that college professors are nothing more than a bunch of monkeys. Just because they're the instructor of the class, doesn't mean they have any brains. I went to four different colleges and universities. I should have taken bananas with me.

But this is what pisses me off. How is learning how to climb a tree going to help anyone in their adult life? People pay money to do this?

You dumb students who do, can't hammer a nail; yall can't do yard work; yall can't set a table for dinner; you milk society because you feel that you deserve freebees when you've done nothing and learned nothing.... and yet, you pay money to learn how to climb a tree.

Maple Syrup
At Alfred University in New York, you can now learn how to make maple syrup for $1500.

"This class will explore the history of maple syrup production, discover the ins and outs of making syrup, create (and eat) some sweet confections, and take field trips to local producers, restaurants and festivals," the course description reads.

"No prior experience expected."

This isn't that bad. But God made this invention called The Grocery Store!

You might be stupid yourself to dish out nearly $5,000 for this oldie but goodie that has been taught a Los Angeles' Occidental College for years. The course description is hard to beat, saying stupidity "makes itself felt in political life ranging from the presidency to Beavis and Butthead."

"Stupidity is neither ignorance nor organicity," the description reads -- and if you can understand that, you probably won't end up being dissected in the course.

It costs $39,000 a year to attend Occidental, or about $4,875 per class.

I should start my own university. Call it, The University of THRILL. All the other universities and colleges have courses founded in bullcrap. Is that what they mean when they say, "I have a B.S."?

I could come up with courses to teach young minds... better ones that these winners. I should write another blog on what courses you can take at The University of THRILL.

"What is it about the idea of a zombie that is so deeply unsettling," asks a $638.25 course on offer in the English department at Ole Miss.

In the class, "The Living and the Un-Dead," students will watch zombie films, read zombie books and write a zombie research paper -- which could leave zonked out college kids pulling all-nighters feeling pretty sympathetic to the living dead.

Arguing with Judge Judy
Students at Berkeley can learn about the crazy and compelling arguments used on television judge shows in "Arguing with Judge Judy," a rhetoric class that costs about $1,080.

"Students who are interested in logic, argument, TV, and American popular culture will probably be interested in this course," reads the class description.

SHE'S NOT EVEN REAL! You want to argue with a television character? And if so, Judge Judy?


PEOPLE ARE RETARDED! AND What pisses me off is that there are thousands upon thousands of Americans that ALLOW This CRAP to happen.