Iron Man 3

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May God bless the United States of America and the Nation of Israel!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wells Fargo Denies the THRILL Logo!

Encinitas, CA- Yup, it's true: Wells Fargo denies my logo.

According to their standards of what is acceptable, my personal logo that I created is considered any or all of the following: "violent, offensive, anti-social, death imagery, provocative, lewd, political, religious, socially unacceptable, and descriminating."

Wells Fargo has a cool feature on their website that allows bankers to customize their personal bank cards with any image they want on them. Obviously, not.. any.. image.. they.. want. There is an entire criteria that explains what is allowed and what isn't. A lot of it I agree with and all of it I felt my logo didn't violate.

As far as what is expected: Most douche bags put images of their children, or a black and white photo of a lawn chair. I figured that my personal logo was just as harmless.

Sure, I knew I couldn't have a picture of Scarlett J0hansson on my card. "Celebrities, musicians, athletes, entertainers, or other public figures" aren't allowed either. Plus, I don't think my wife would appreciate the idea of Ms. Scarlett in my wallet.

Ha! But maybe it wasn't that my logo was "violent" or "political" that made Wells Fargo decide to reject it. Could it be that they think "Thrill" is considered a "celebrity" or "public figure"? I'm no celebrity, ...even though Facebook allows my "Thrill" page to categorized under "public figure."

Though I hope that my celebrity status is what caused my image denial, I'm sure it was the silhouette of my awesome Kimber .45 Custom TLE/RL II that I'm holding in the image that made them want to reject approval.

"A firearm is offensive...."

Not for me. To me, fireamrs symbolize the warm American tradition that has helped this nation prosper both in our homes and in our businesses. The men that ride that Wells Fargo wagon with all the horses... you know THAT Wells Fargo employee was armed with a shotgun. If bank tellers carried firearms, criminals would think twice before sticking up a bank.

Oh well... I don't mind I can't have my awesome logo on my ATM card.

Besides, guns don't kill people. People with ATM cards that have a picture of their cat on it kill people.

1 comment:

Thrill said...

Alright. Nice to meet you.