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Monday, February 22, 2010

Teenagers find a new, free, and fatal drug

Los Angeles, CA- It's called Angel's Trumpet. A flower that is common to grow in California. Yes, it is poisonous, but one fourteen year old says that students chew the flower to get a feeling of calm and relaxation. They're chewing this flower to get high.

Angel's Trumpet is a relative of Jimson Weed, another plant that teenagers use to covet. Right now, it is only in the L.A. School District that this is catching on. I have a hunch that other students from neighboring areas will catch on to this retardedness. Students in L.A. have already gone to their school's nurses office with stomach aches, nausea, delirium, and difficulty breathing!

I miss the good old days when children who were stupid, knew they were stupid. I'm surprised today's youth hasn't gone back to sniffing glue. So many household products that contain poisons are made by companies trying to push the "go green" ingredient products. Our environ-mental parents will give birth to idiot children who will sniff Eco-friendly glue.

However, could this "Angel's Trumpet" be the "organic" source of getting high? I don't know. I get a pretty good buzz eating my neighbors oleanders.


1 comment:

Thrill said...

I can be kind, when it calls for it.