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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jarrett Jack or the Raptors Ties Shoes During Game

Jack ties shoelace during live play; Bulls watch, twiddle thumbs
By J.E. Skeets

Oh, this is gold.

Nearing the end of Saturday night's Raptors-Bulls' third quarter action, Raptors point guard Jarrett Jack(notes) held the ball at the top of the key. Noticing his shoelace was undone — Velcro, kids! Wear Velcro! — Jack tucked the rock under his arm while the clock continued to run, bent over and tied it back up.

Not a single Bulls player tried to steal or knock the ball away.

Guess which team lost by 32 points.

Not surprisingly, the Bulls' lack of effort (and wins, and scoring, and coaching ...) has pushed some diehard fans to the proverbial edge.

Sham of

"That [play] basically summed up the whole game. The Bulls played worse than any team has ever played in any game at any standard in any season of any decade in any league in any country of any sport ever. They were listless, talentless and overmatched, with the playbook of a Corleggy cheese [...]

It's the only time I've ever turned a game because I couldn't stand to watch it. Bad, bad, bad times. If you happen to own or run an NBA team and are looking to hire someone to work 80 hour weeks as a professional nerd, hire me. Because then I can stop supporting the Bulls.

To which I say: Try and look on the bright side of things, Sham; at least none of the Bulls players offered to tie Jack's laces for him.